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journalism & writing

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May Institute 2020 finds a new kind of educational success using virtual format

Northeastern University Khoury College of Computer Sciences

July 29, 2020

Raymond Huang, combined major in Khoury + CAMD, explores cutting-edge technology as an artistic tool

Northeastern University College of Arts, Media, & Design

July 17, 2020

CS & Media Arts combines artistic expression with emerging technologies 

Northeastern University Khoury College of Computer Sciences

July 16, 2020

An interdisciplinary path leads PhD student Johanna Gunawan to research on dark patterns 

Northeastern University Khoury College of Computer Sciences

June 29, 2020

From catching birds to counting lines of code: Jeannille Hiciano's journey to Align

Northeastern University Khoury College of Computer Sciences

April 28, 2020

Research on information flow during crises can help communities with COVID-19

Northeastern University Khoury College of Computer Sciences

March 30, 2020

Fake climate science videos have millions of views on YouTube. Here's what scientists can do about it.

Ensia Magazine

August 22, 2019

Looking to finance money-saving energy efficiency projects? Here's a tool for that. 

Ensia Magazine

July 24, 2019

Native American organization tackles education disparities in Boston

The Scope Magazine

May 4, 2019

Powering the blue economy

MIT Energy Initiative

January 9, 2019

Hillels and Israel, Part III: Outside Hillel, Northeastern Jewish students struggle after rabbi leaves

New Voices Magazine

December 8, 2018

Hillels and Israel, Part II: A widening divide at Northeastern

New Voices Magazine

November 6, 2018

Hillels and Israel: How campus communities are grappling with polarizing politics

New Voices Magazine

October 25, 2018

Howard J. Herzog discusses the state of carbon capture

MIT Energy Initiative

October 25, 2018

Frances Beinecke: Meeting 2030 U.S. climate targets

MIT Energy Initiative

October 17, 2018

Island suffers as U.S.-Cuban embargo continues to batter its people

Northeastern University School of Journalism

June 30, 2018

Mizrahi students talk: Are campus communities ashkenormative?

New Voices Magazine

March 12, 2018

Are Jewish students left out of the Left?

The Forward

January 24, 2018

Watching the carbon cycle from space (pg. 20-21)

NU Sci Magazine

January 18, 2018

© 2022 by Hannah Bernstein.

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